Minutes – Archived – August 2008

Minutes – August 2008

Province de Quebec
Municipalité de Bristol
August 5, 2008

The regular meeting of the Bristol Council was held on August 5, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. in the Townhall with Mayor Scott Wilson, and Crs. Stephen Forbes, Colette O’Malley, Chris Young, George Pirie and Ronald Dagg present. Cr. Keith Smith was unable to attend.

(08-08-151) Motion Cr. Forbes that the minutes of the July 7, 2008 meeting be adopted as presented. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-152) Motion Cr. Dagg that the agenda for the August 5th meeting be accepted with the additions. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

The meeting was opened to the visitors present.

Jamie Hart, President of the Norway Bay Municipal Association, was present and thanked Council for all the support that was given to the association.

Joan Rusenstrom was present and asked for the removal of the culvert at 18 Third Line, and to deepen or make ditches on both the north & south side of the road, as the water drains through the culvert from the north side into their field. She also requested to have the ditch cleaned out on the Bristol View Rd. in front of Lots 2A & 2B, so that the drains from the fields will work property. Cr. Pirie and Derek O’Malley, Road Foreman are to look into this.

(08-08-153) Motion Cr. Dagg that we call for tenders for the winter road maintenance for the 2008-2009 season, consisting of snowplowing and sanding of roads in the Municipality of Bristol, for a total of approximately 65.62 km. North of 148 Hwy. Also, to tender for Option # 2 for the snowplowing and sanding of an extra 16.15 kms. of roads north of the Hwy. at the same rate that could be added. Tenderers, in order to transmit a tender for that purpose, shall obtain from the municipal office, before opening date, a special envelope provided for this purpose and containing the specifications of the tender. Tenders not in conformity with the norms and conditions of the specifications shall be rejected. All tenders, submitted exclusively in the special envelopes provided for by the Sec’y.Treas, must reach the Municipal office by 4:00 p.m. on August 29, 2008. The Municipality of Bristol reserves its privilege to accept neither the lowest or any tenders received and shall incur no pursuit or claim for fees or loss suffered by the Tenderers. Tenders will be opened at the regular meeting of Council on September 2, 2008. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-154) Motion Cr. Dagg that we call for tenders for snow removal at the
# 1 Firehall in Norway Bay and the # 2 Firehall in North Bristol for the 2008-2009 season on a flat rate basis. Specifications may be picked up at the municipal office. Tenders must be received by August 29, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be opened at the regular meeting of Council on September 2, 2008. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

Correspondence was read and discussed.

(08-08-155) Motion Cr. Dagg to accept the increase in the monthly premiums for the health plan from Sun Life Financial Insurance for the employees. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-156) Motion Cr. Dagg to congratulate the Equity on their 125th Anniversary and put in an ad to this effect. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-157) Motion Cr. Young that we thank Randy Beattie for his resume submitted, however at the present time, we are not in any need for more personnel, however, his resume will be kept on file to be considered in the future. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

A letter was received from the Tim Horton Foundation wanting to use our hall as an alternative evacuation space in case the Quyon Lions Club was not available.

(08-08-158) Motion Cr. Pirie that we grant the Tim Horton Foundation permission to use the Jack Graham Bristol Community Centre as an alternative evacuation space, and to contact the road foreman when required. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

Committee reports were given.

(08-08-159) Motion Cr. Young that we accept the changes in the insurance policy for the municipality, and that these be forwarded to Valley Mutual subject to an evaluation of the buildings being done. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.


(08-08-160) Motion Cr. Dagg to send two (2) delegates to the FQM Convention and that the expenses be paid. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-161) Motion Mayor Wilson that the expenses pertaining to Seat # 4 with reference to the trucks and excavating of the ditch on the Bristol Mine Rd. and that it was not feasible for our equipment to do the job, be transferred to the budget of the 2008 Ryan Reform, as this seat does not receive any subsidy for this road, as it is a paved road. Crd. On Division. Cr. Young registers his dissidence.

(08-08-162) Motion Cr. Dagg that we thank the Gravelles for their donation for the cutting of the trees behind the # 1 Firehall in Norway Bay. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

I, Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas. of the Municipality of Bristol, certify that there are credits available to pay the following expenses.

Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas.


(08-08-163) Motion Cr. Dagg that accounts totalling $ 85,143.66 be paid for the month of July. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-164) Motion Cr. Dagg that the financial statement to July 31, 2008 be accepted as presented. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-165) Motion Cr. O’Malley that we transfer funds to balance the different accounts. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-166) Motion Mayor Wilson that we increase the mileage and expense policy to coincide with the MRC Bylaw # 134-2008, adopted March 25, 2008 and that the rates change accordingly as they do. Crd. Unanimously.

(08-08-167) Motion Mayor Wilson that the committee meetings that the Mayor, Crs. & Planning Members attend, be reimbursed in June & December of each year. Crd. Unanimously.

(08-08-168) Motion Cr. Forbes that we accept the bid of Eugene Hamelin to cut the trees on Woodlawn & Murray Hill at a cost of $ 900.00. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-169) Motion Cr. Forbes that a letter be written to Role # 1241-06-3383 to remove the burnt car that is on his property, and that this must be removed by September 15, 2008, or further action will be taken. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-170) Motion Cr. Pirie that we check with the neighbouring municipalities to see if they would like to have an information meeting with a lawyer. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-171) Motion Cr. Dagg that we purchase two (2) new chairs for the office from the Pontiac Printshop at a cost of $ 319.00 each plus tax, and that the cost be taken from the office equipment budget. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-172) Motion Cr. Dagg to support the incinerator project in principal that the Municipality of Shawville & Clarendon are looking into for a solution for the disposal of waste to be implemented due to the closing of the in-trench disposal sites in January 2009, and we are interested in this endeavour. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-173) Motion Mayor Wilson to obtain a price for drawing up a plan for the room for the chairs and tables. Crd. Unanimously.

(08-08-174) Motion Cr. Forbes that we have no objection to the Canadian National Y-Flyer race being held at the Norway Bay Pier. Crd.
The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-175) Motion Cr. Pirie that, do to the lack of business at the Bristol Heritage Centre, that we not ask Mr. Douglas Forgie to pay the remaining balance on the lease. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-176) Motion Cr. Dagg that we call for tenders for the sale of the Chip Stand with equipment at the Bristol Heritage Centre, and that all related relocating costs will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-177) Motion Cr. Young that Council go in camera to discuss personnel. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-178) Motion Cr. Forbes that Council go out of camera. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-179) Motion Cr. Young to send employees letters to inform them that the road foreman and the head of the personnel committee to decide on the men’s hours, and the intrench disposal site will be on a rotating schedule, when the attendant is on holidays. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-08-180) Motion Cr. Dagg that the meeting close. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.


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Mayor Scott Wilson                                    Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas.