Minutes – Archived – October 2008

Minutes – October 2008

Province de Quebec
Municipalité de Bristol
October 6, 2008

The regular meeting of the Bristol Council was held on October 6, 2008, at 8:00 p.m. in the Townhall with Acting Mayor Ronald Dagg, and Crs. Stephen Forbes, Keith Smith, Colette O=Malley, Chris Young, and George Pirie present. Mayor Scott Wilson was unable to attend.

(08-10-205) Motion Cr. Forbes that the minutes of the September 2, 2008 be adopted with the following correction:
Resolution # (2008-09-192) to add: before any work is started.
The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-10-206) Motion Cr. O’Malley that the agenda for the October 6, 2008 meeting be accepted with the additions. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

The meeting was opened to the visitors present.

Bill Smith, representing the BCA, was present and asked for the following items:

1) Rink Employee through a grant
2) Hall Improvements – Better lighting in the parking lot.
3) Ventilation in the Bar
4) Reducing hall rental rates for small events.

Douglas MacKechnie & Shirley Green, representing the Norway Bay Historical Society, were present and requested financial assistance for their next booklet representing Norway Bay and beyond. This request will be considered at the 2009 budget meeting.

Judith Labrie & Marie MacFarlane were present concerning the bylaw on access roads and said that their accesses weren’t very wide. However, Council cannot make exemptions, therefore the bylaw will stay in effect for all accesses.

Peter Hanna inquired when the signs would be going up on the accesses. He was informed that would be done soon. He also asked about the cameras at the Pier, and he was told that they were going to be returned. He also questioned the closure of the intrench disposal site and what were the solutions for closing on January 9, 2009. He was informed that the MRC has had a meeting with the Minister of Municipal Affairs last week in Montreal. Council has also mandated the MRC to look after the problem for the closing of the intrench disposal sites.

Roscoe & Sharon Congden were present concerning the pipe at the top of Sawdust Trail that Council had installed. He requested cutting back the hill so that the water wouldn’t run on his property. Cr. Forbes, the road foreman, and the Mayor will meet with Mr. Congden this week to find a solution to this problem. He also commented on the excessive use of gravel at the intrench disposal site. He was informed that gravel has always been used to make it easier for people to gain access to the hole at the intrench disposal site. He also requested gravel on the road leading to his property. Cr. Young is to check on this.

Debbie Kilgour was present and asked about the trucks travelling on Aylmer Road at excessive speed, which is a “No Truck Route”. She was informed that the trucks were using this route to go to the Front Road in Clarendon, which was the cheaper route for Lamarche McGuinty. The Acting Mayor will call the concerned owners of the trucks in the morning to tell them to slow down.

Douglas Graham was present again asking when the rest of the street lights were going to be installed on the Second Concession. He was informed that Hydro-Quebec does the emergency cases first. He also asked for the cleaning of the ditch beside his farm on the west side of the Knox Rd. Cr. Smith is to check this out.

Derek O’Malley, Road Foreman was also present.

(08-10-207) Motion Cr. Young that we purchase four (4) winter snow tires for the _ Ton Truck. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-10-208) Motion Cr. Smith that we call for bids for the supply of the following for the Municipality of Bristol for one year 2009:

1) Clear Dieseline
2) Gasoline – Regular Unleaded Grade
3) Stove Oil for # 1 Firehall
4) Furnace Oil for # 2 Firehall

The Municipality owns the tanks and pumps. Each time the fuel is delivered, invoices must also indicate current board prices. Tank wagon price must be confirmed. Bids must be submitted in four (4) separate envelopes for each category as indicated above. Bidders must state bottom line price per litre which will include all applicable taxes. The total overall price for the four envelopes will be the accepted bid. Lowest or any bidder not necessarily accepted. Bids must be deposited in the Municipal Office by 4:00 p.m. on October 31, 2008. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.


(08-10-209) Motion Cr. Smith that we send a letter to File # 1750-89-8090, that the municipal sideroad that runs along the west side of his property must be kept clear at all times, and to fence the property and to remove the gate that is blocking the access. As indicated in a letter of August 13, 2002, the property owner is responsible for building the fence. This must be completed by April 30, 2009. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

Correspondence was read and discussed.

There was a letter received from the Federation of Snowmobile Clubs to sign the agreement for the right of ways for a snowmobile trail.

(08-10-210) Motion Cr. Pirie that the right of way agreement will be signed when the snowmobile club puts up their appropriate signs. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

Committee Reports were given.

(08-10-211) Motion Cr. Young that we replace the veins in the curtains in the entrance way to the Townhall. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-10-212) Motion Cr. O’Malley that we pay Michel Lacroix Construction Inc. the $ 137,534.07 for the Ragged Chute Rd. Paving as recommended by Genivar, and that the $ 40,785.21 will be paid when the core sample results are done. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-10-213) Motion Cr. Forbes that we accept the tender of 4099982 Canada Inc. c/o of Dan & John Kelly for Option # 2 for the snowplowing of the extra 16.15 kms. of roads north of the highway, for the 2008-2009 season. Crd. On Division. Cr. Young registers his dissidence. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-10-214) Motion Cr. Pirie that we authorize Mayor Scott Wilson and Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas. to sign the necessary documents to obtain a $ 50,000.00 financial guarantee from the National Bank made out to the Ministère du Développement Durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs for a term of 24 months, following the closure of the intrench waste disposal site and to authorize the release of the required supporting financial documents. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.
I, Keith Emmerson, Sec=y.Treas. of the Municipality of Bristol, certify that there are credits available to pay the following expenses.

Keith Emmerson, Sec=y.Treas.

(08-10-215) Motion Cr. Forbes that accounts totalling $ 264,288.84 be paid for the month of September. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-10-216) Motion Cr. Young that the financial statement to September 30, 2008 be accepted as presented. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

Cr. Pirie gave an extensive report on the FQM Convention.

(08-10-217) Motion Cr. Pirie that we request File # 1141-16-6195 to remove the rocks that are on the right of way beside his property, and this must be done by November 1, 2008, or further action will be taken. In Accordance with Bylaw # 253, there must be no obstructions on the access roads in the Municipality of Bristol. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-10-218) Motion Cr. Forbes that we request File # 1345-04-8525 to put the fence on the Aylmer Road back to where it was originally, and to remove the brush & posts that is piled on the Aylmer Rd. and Wharf Road. This must be completed by November 1, 2008 or further action will be taken. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-10-219) Motion Cr. Forbes that the meeting be closed. Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.


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Ronald Dagg, Acting Mayor                   Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas.