Minutes – Archived – November 2008

Minutes – November 2008

Province de Quebec
Municipalité de Bristol
November 3, 2008

The regular meeting of the Bristol Council was held on November 3, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. in the Townhall with Mayor Scott Wilson, and Crs. Stephen Forbes, Keith Smith, Colette O’Malley, George Pirie, and Ronald Dagg present. Cr. Young was unable to attend.

(08-11-220) Motion Cr. Forbes that the minutes of the meeting of October 6, 2008 be adopted as circulated. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-221) Motion Cr. Dagg that the agenda for the November 3rd meeting be accepted with the additions. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

The meeting was opened to the visitors present.

Douglas Graham was present and asked if we would send a letter to the Ministry of Transport to clean the ditch adjacent to his farm.

(08-11-222) Motion Cr. Smith that we write a letter to the Ministry of Transport to see if they would clean the ditch on the north side of Route 148, from Fifth Line East to a hundred feet (100′) past the Knox Rd. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

Clement Hoeck, Coordinator, of the Pontiac Place For Youth was present and requested funding. He was informed that this would be discussed when we prepare the 2009 budget.

Peter Hanna was present and asked for an update on the closing of the intrench disposal site. He was informed that we had not received any news. He also inquired why we were purchasing the sand from Campbell’s Bay, and not from the mine. The sand at the mine is not available yet. He also wanted some feedback on the access roads.

Charles Belsher was present and said he had moved his fence back. He also requested that the ditch be deepened on the Elmside View Road, and the water problem near the school on the Aylmer Rd. He also requested that a couple of steel posts be erected on the Aylmer Road where the Council had removed the fence, so he will know to put his in the spring. The consensus is that the Elmside View Road should be lowered about five to six feet to match a reasonable depth of the ditch.

(08-11-223) Motion Cr. Forbes to verify the budget with the contractor to correct these problems, to see if it can be done for a maximum of $ 5,000.00, and if possible that it can be done this fall before freeze up . Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

Don Page stated that he had read in a paper about clearing land adjacent to waterways in Quebec. Technically the law has been in effect for a period of time, and that a person can only clear a 5 M window within 10 M of the high water mark.

Robert Orr was present concerning the fencing of his property along the sideline off the 9th Line Rd. and he requested that the road be fixed before he puts up the fence. He was informed that this would be checked out in May.

Derek O’Malley, Road Foreman, was present. He informed Council that two (2) tires were needed for the backhoe, and also four (4) new for the tandem truck.

(08-11-224) Motion Cr. Dagg that we purchase two (2) tires for the backhoe. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-225) Motion Cr. Forbes that the foreman obtain a price for the four (4) tires for the tandem, and bring the price back to the committee. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-226) Motion Cr. Forbes to replace the seats in the 1999 & 2004 trucks. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-227) Motion Cr. Forbes to request Pontiac Refrigeration to relocate the heater in the municipal garage. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

The bids for the supply of diesel, gasoline, furnace and stove oil were opened.

(08-11-228) Motion Cr. Pirie that we accept Petro Pontiac’s bid for diesel @ 1.015, gasoline @ 0.989, stove oil @ 1.067 and furnace oil @ 1.022, for a total of $ 4.093 taxes included, as they have the lowest bid. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

Correspondence was read and discussed.

(08-11-229) Motion Cr. O’Malley that we purchase a postal scale for the Library at a cost of $ 50.00 plus tax and delivery. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-230) Motion Cr. Dagg that we do the requirements of Promutuel Insurance following their inspections. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-231) Motion Cr. Pirie that we congratulate Joseph & Judy Morris for winning the “Bronze Medal” in the 2008 prestigious competition that honours the expertise of the agricultural enterprise in the Outaouais. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

Committee reports were given.

(08-11-232) Motion Cr. Dagg that we have the Christmas Staff Party on November 29, 2008. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-233) Motion Cr. Forbes that we purchase eight (8) Christmas trees @ $ 20.00 each for the Townhall. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

Cr. Dagg gave “Notice of Motion” that he would a subsequent meeting of Council present a bylaw to tax quarries and sand pits.

(08-11-234) Motion Mayor Wilson that we acknowledge receipt of a letter that Genivar had written to Michel Lacroix Construction, dated October 30, 2008, pertaining to the testing of density that was done by Qualitas on the Ragged Chute Rd. pavement, which five of the six tests does not meet the standards, therefore Genivar is to find a solution to the problem, which they are responsible for. Crd. Unanimously.

I, Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.treas. of the Municipality of Bristol, certify that there are credits available to pay the following expenses.

Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas.

(08-11-235) Motion Cr. Dagg that accounts totalling $ 54,583.41 for the month of October be paid. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-236) Motion Cr. Dagg that the financial statement to October 31, 2008 be accepted as presented. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-237) Motion Cr. Dagg that we transfer funds to balance the different accounts. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-238) Motion Cr. Forbes that we check to see if there are any programs available to obtain a worker to look after the skating rink in Norway Bay. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-239) Motion Cr. Forbes that he will adjust his road budget to do the ditching on the Second Line by the railway track. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-240) Motion Cr. Dagg to go in camera to discuss personnel. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-241) Motion Cr. Forbes that the Council go out of camera. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-242) Motion Cr. Forbes that the meeting be closed. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

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Mayor Scott Wilson                       Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas.

Special Meeting – November 12th

A special meeting of the Bristol Council was held on November 12, 2008, in accordance with the Municipal Code, in the Townhall at 7:10 p.m. with Mayor Scott Wilson, and Crs. Stephen Forbes, Keith Smith, Colette O’Malley, Chris Young, George Pirie and Ronald Dagg present.

(08-11-243) Motion Cr. Dagg that the agenda for the special meeting be accepted with the additions. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-244) Motion Cr. Forbes that we buy two (2) new front winter tires for the 1999 Sterling Truck and obtain a price on the rims. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-245) Motion Cr. Dagg to install a 70 Watt Mercury Vapour light on the west side of the hall to help with the lighting of the parking lot. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-246) Motion Cr. O’Malley that set a budget of $200.00 to vent the bar. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-247) Motion Cr. Forbes that we accept the recommendations of the Personnel Committee to accept Bill Hobbs as a Labourer/Truck Driver at a rate of $ 15.95 per hr. and that he will be on a six (6) month probation period. The starting date will be determined by the personnel committee. Crd. On Division. Cr. Smith registers his dissidence because the applicant was not a resident of Bristol. The Mayor abstains from voting.

(08-11-248) Motion Cr. Dagg to extend Robert Walls employment three weeks past October 31, 2008 to November 21, 2008. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

Mayor Wilson removes himself from his seat re conflict of interest on the zoning.

(08-11-249) Whereas, a clerical error was made on the original request to the MRC for the zoning change re Bylaw # 281, and in accordance with Article 202.1 of the Municipal Code, we are allowed to amend the minutes or a by-law, it is therefore, motioned by Cr. Young to amend Article 2 of Amendment Bylaw # 281, which was sent to MRC Pontiac on June 11, 2008, and that Article 2 of Bylaw # 281 should be corrected to read as follows:
The uses of Class C4-Commercial trade and Il-Light Industrial and manufacturing are specifically allowed on Lots 13B-14 and 27, Range 4, situated in the Zone AG 118, and Lots 13B-13 and 26, Range 4, situated in the Zone AG 117, with the authorization from the Commission de la protection du territoire agricole du Québec (C.P.T.A.Q.). Crd. The Acting Mayor abstains from voting.

Mayor Wilson returns to his seat.

(08-11-250) Motion Cr. Dagg that the meeting be closed. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.

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Mayor Scott Wilson                             Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas.