Minutes – December 2008
Province de Quebec
Municipalité de Bristol
December 1, 2008
The regular meeting of the Bristol Council was held on December 1, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. in the Townhall with Mayor Scott Wilson, and Crs. Stephen Forbes, Colette O=Malley, George Pirie, Chris Young and Ronald Dagg present. Cr. Keith Smith was unable to attend.
(08-12-251) Motion Cr. Forbes that the minutes of the meeting held on November 3, 2008 be adopted as circulated. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-252) Motion Cr. Forbes that the minutes of the special meeting held on November 12, 2008 be adopted as circulated. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-253) Motion Cr. Dagg that the agenda for the December 1st meeting be accepted with the additions. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
The meeting was opened to the visitors present
Peter Hanna was present and inquired if the Mayor had verified what the meal rates were for the MRC Pontiac when they are travelling on business trips. He also inquired on the closing of the intrench disposal sites. He was informed that we need direction from the Ministry of Environment and the Quebec Government. He also asked if there were public notices about special meetings. He was informed that this was never done, only for budget meetings.
Bill Smith, Sec’y. of the Bristol Community Association expressed gratitude for the Christmas Supper, and also informed Council that they are looking to purchase a piano for the community centre, and also they are going to hold a winter carnival and a square dance this winter. He also expressed thanks for the light at the west end for the parking lot, and thanks to Chris Young for repairing the cooler in the bar. He also asked about the ventilation in the bar. This will be looked after at a later date.
Derek O’Malley, Road Foreman, was also present.
(08-12-254) Motion Cr. Dagg that we thank the Norway Bay Historical Society for their donation of $ 1,000.00 towards the new fire truck. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
Correspondence was read and discussed.
(08-12-255) Motion Cr. Pirie that we acknowledge receipt of the letter of October 31, 2008, from the P.S.D.A. pertaining to the signage of municipal crossings, and we would like to determine what the requirements are for the signage at the crossings, and what signs are required. Give us a plan and the cost. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-256) Motion Cr. O’Malley that we pay Michel Lacroix Construction Inc. Payment # 2, for the paving of the Ragged Chute Rd. as recommended by Genivar. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-257) Motion Cr. Forbes that we acknowledge receipt of the contract from CFER for the recycling, and inform them that the waste management plan has not been decided yet, therefore we are not willing to sign a contract at this point. However, we are willing to continue on a monthly basis. We have mandated MRC Pontiac to look after the waste management plan, and until the plan is finalized, we are not interested in signing a three year contract. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-258) Motion Cr. Young to allow the P.S.D.A. to have permission for temporary use of a heated relay building at the 3-way intersection on the railway corridor in our municipality. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-259) WHEREAS municipalities throughout the MRC Pontiac have inadequate public transportation;
WHEREAS this issue of transportation is critical for economic development, business sustainability, tourism initiatives and access to health care specialists;
WHEREAS the Community Futures Community Development Corporation serving Renfrew County and the SADC Pontiac
Community Futures will jointly support and facilitate this project.
IT IS THEREFORE MOTIONED by Cr. Forbes that The Municipality of Bristol
Support the continued efforts of the Renfrew County Community Futures and the SADC Pontiac Community Futures to develop and evaluate the potential of a Pilot commuter train project. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
Committee Reports were given.
(08-12-260) Motion Mayor Wilson that all property owners having tax arrears over $ 10.00 be notified by registered mail, that all taxes and interest owing to December 31, 2008, must be paid by December 31, 2008, or property will be sold for non-payment of taxes, either by MRC County Land Sales or by bailiff. No postdated cheques will be received after December 31, 2008. Any payments received after December 31, 2008 must be made by cash or certified cheque, and will only be received until the February 2nd , 2009 regular Council meeting. At that time the procedures will be applied for the sale of immoveables for default of payment of taxes. Crd. Unanimously
(08-12-261) Motion Cr. Pirie that we apply for a worker through manpower for a thirty (30) week period at $ 12.00 per hr. He would work in conjunction with the roads & maintenance department and also with the Bristol Community Association to do labour tasks relating to winter maintenance, snow shovelling, and rink cleaning. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-262) Motion Cr. Dagg that we accept the changes to Draft Bylaw # 284 for the collection of gravel pit tax from owners, pertaining to a local fund strictly dedicated to the recondition and maintenance of certain public roads, and that the bylaw will be adopted at the next meeting of Council. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-263) Motion Cr. Forbes that we apply for a road grant of $ 10,000.00, for work done on roads and that Council approves of the expenses for the works executed on the roads in the amount subventioned for an amount of $ 11, 303.31, which has been spent under the 2008-2009 Municipal Road Improvement Help Program, conforming to the norms of the Ministry of Transport. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-264) Motion Cr. Forbes that we apply for a road grant of $ 5,000.00 for work done on roads and that Council approves of the expenses for the works executed on the roads in the amount subventioned for an amount of $ 5,564.62, which has been spent under the 2008-2009 Municipal Road Improvement Help Program, conforming to the norms of the Ministry of Transport. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-265) Motion Cr. Forbes that we send a letter to File # 1345-04-8525, and express gratitude for allowing us to bulldoze his property on the Aylmer Road to help with the drainage for the road. However, there is still the issue with the brush pile, and we are requesting that this be removed by December 15, 2008, or further action will be taken. Crd.
The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-266) Motion Cr. Dagg that we write a letter to Bell for damages done by our equipment on the telephone installations on the sideroad by Bennett’s, and that we believe that we shouldn’t pay this invoice, because the post had no marker, and it was difficult for the machine operator to see it in the grass, and therefore the charges should be reversed. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-267) Motion Mayor Wilson that we write a letter to Hotel Manoir Victoria and inform them that we have been staying at their hotel for the last couple of years, and that a double booking had been made for the 2008 FQM Convention, and that they should have noticed this when we booked the second time, and we should not have been charged. We are requesting a credit for two rooms for the 2009 FQM Convention or a credit on our credit card. Crd. Unanimously.
I, Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.treas. of the Municipality of Bristol, certify that there are credits available to pay the following expenses.
Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas
(08-12-268) Motion Cr. Dagg that accounts totalling $ 160,974.63 be paid for the month of November, and that the invoice from Bell be held back. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-269) Motion Cr. Dagg that the financial statement to November 30, 2008 be accepted as presented. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-270) Motion Cr. O’Malley that we transfer funds to balance the different accounts. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-271) Motion Cr. Young to pay the Pontiac Station Road Association a grant of $ 500.00, and inform them to submit their request before budget time of each year. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-272) Motion Cr. Pirie that we request the MRC Pontiac to give us the comparison evaluations for 2008 and 2009. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(08-12-273) Motion Cr. Dagg that the meeting be closed. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
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Mayor Scott Wilson Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas.
Special Budget Meeting – December 15
Province de Québec Municipalité de Bristol December 15, 2008
A special meeting of the Bristol Council was held on December 15, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. in the Townhall, in accordance with the municipal code, with Mayor Scott Wilson, and Crs. Stephen Forbes, Keith Smith, Colette O’Malley, George Pirie and Ronald Dagg present. Cr. Chris Young was unable to attend.
Also present was Ron & Marion Workman, Donald Page, Diane Wilson, Peter Hanna, Dan Egan, Bill Beveridge, Charles Belsher, Terry Milford, Ted Ambridge, and Bruce Robertson.
The purpose of the meeting was to adopt the 2009 budget.
(06-12-276) Motion Cr. Forbes that the agenda for the meeting be accepted as presented. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
Each item of the budget was reviewed and discussed.
(06-12-277) Motion Cr. Dagg that the 2009 Budget be adopted as presented with revenues of $ 2,103,006 and expenses of $2,103,006. The general tax rate will be at 35 cents per $ 100.00 of evaluation; Q.P.P. services for 2009 will be at 9 cents per $ 100.00 of evaluation; and M.R.C. costs will be at 14 cents per $ 100.00 of evaluation; thus the overall total is 58 cents per $ 100.00 of evaluation. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(06-12-278) Motion Cr. Pirie that Interest on arrears will remain at 18% per annum; Trailers not entered on the valuation roll will be at a rate of $ 10.00 per month payable in advance; Garbage Pickup and Recycling for Bristol Village, Norway Bay, and Pontiac Station will be at $ 45.00 for the season for all cottage and residence owners. The garbage pickup areas will be as follows:
1) Bristol Village from the railroad tracks south to and including Lot 3-1, Range 1, and all the remaining portion of Bristol Village to the cement culvert on Lot Pt. 4A, Range 1;
- Norway Bay Area subdivision Lots 8 to 13, Range 1 inclusive;
- All the immediate Pontiac Station Area;
All cottage and residence owners in the designated areas must pay the garbage pickup tax. The ratepayer may be exempt from garbage tax upon written proof that the residence is not occupied. Garbage pickup will be from the Holiday weekend in May to Thanksgiving weekend in October.
An “Environmental” tax in an amount of $ 110.00 will be charged to all property owners in the Municipality of Bristol.
Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
(06-12-279) Motion Cr. Forbes that the meeting be closed. Crd. The Mayor abstains from voting.
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Mayor Scott Wilson Keith Emmerson, Sec’y.Treas.